Wisdom from the Classroom

Insights from 40 years of experience in teaching

Sharing wisdom gained from Lutheran schools, public schools, and junior colleges.

principal schedules important tasks in order to be successful

Put in on the Calendar, or it doesn’t Happen!

As a principal, I’ve learned that if something isn’t on the calendar, it simply doesn’t happen. In the fast-paced environment of a school, where the demands on time and attention are relentless, the calendar is more than just a scheduling tool—it is a roadmap for success. Important initiatives, professional development, school-wide events, and even personal commitments can quickly fall through the cracks without intentional planning. Whether it’s a crucial staff meeting, a deadline for student interventions, or time set aside for teacher observations, if it’s not scheduled, it’s at risk of being overlooked in the daily whirlwind of responsibilities. The calendar serves as a commitment, a visible and structured reminder that holds everyone accountable to their priorities. It ensures that the most important aspects of school leadership—student achievement, staff growth, and community engagement—don’t get lost in the shuffle of urgent but less significant matters. Additionally, when key dates are established in advance, it fosters collaboration and transparency among staff, preventing last-minute scrambles that create unnecessary stress. For example, planning parent-teacher conferences well ahead of time gives families the opportunity to make arrangements, while setting clear professional development days allows teachers to plan their instructional growth. The same applies to personal well-being; if I don’t schedule time for reflection, self-improvement, or even a moment to step into classrooms and connect with students, those things won’t happen either. Leadership is about being proactive, not reactive, and the calendar is one of the most effective tools in ensuring that vision translates into action. It also models for staff the importance of time management, demonstrating that prioritization is key to a well-run school. Ultimately, a calendar isn’t just a place to record events—it’s a tool for intentional leadership, ensuring that the things that truly matter receive the time and focus they deserve. If something is important enough to impact student success and school culture, it needs to be on the calendar. Otherwise, the chaos of daily school life will push it aside, and the opportunity to make a meaningful difference will be lost.


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What is Elsie Grace?

Elsie Grace is a website created by a retired educator who shares insights gained from 40 years of experience in teaching math and technology.

Who is Elsie Grace for?

Elsie Grace is for educators who are interested in gaining wisdom from the classroom, the principal’s office, and faith life.

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Visiting Elsie Grace will provide you with valuable insights and wisdom from a seasoned educator.

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